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From my previous post Sleeping Beauty, I mentioned that I rarely get a good nights’ sleep. I cannot seem to remember when was the last time I had a good sleep. Things did not get better. In fact it got worse especially after having Ayden. After having Ayden, I became even a more light sleeper than I ever were.

I have summed up the items that have been causing me to have sleep deprivation these days:-

1.       Ayden waking up at 4 to 5 am in the morning screaming “Mummy!!” and goes back to sleep

2.       Pee

3.       AK snoring

4.       Sinus like symptoms (stuck and pain along my nose, eyes and cheekbone area)

5.       Never ending dreams (which was my main problem previously)

6.       Any noise from Ayden’s room (cough, sneeze, etc)

7.       Dogs barking (DJ inclusive)

 When will I manage to get a reasonably good sleep? I am getting worried if this goes on, my health will end up deteriorating more than it should. YIKES!!!!
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