This year has been a blur for me (especially second half of
the year). Day in and out just feel like I am just surviving. Recently I even
feel like I am a “dead” person because…
I don’t feel like going to work
I don’t feel like working
I don’t feel like waking up in the morning to
deal with the kids
I sometimes don’t even feel like eating because
of lack of appetite. I stuff myself with junk food to increase my appetite
I look forward to leave my office but I don’t feel
like fetching the kids from school
I don’t feel like eating my dinner. Instead, I
just feel like going into my bedroom and just lie on bed till I am hungry. Eat,
bath, TV, sleep…
I don’t feel like playing with the kids
I don’t want to bath them. I just want to say
good night to them and retire myself into my room…my quiet room
Doesn’t this sound like a “dead” person is living inside me?
I do try to enjoy my moments during the day but it is like
the evil inside of me wins every single time and brings these feelings in me.
I won’t give up but I do hope I find an epiphany soon..before
I turn fully dead inside. Perhaps I am just tired. Perhaps I need a huge
change. I hope to find the solution soon.
My dad mentioned something last night
"Aiyo, I don't understand. You eat healthy. You exercise. But you still fall sick like this"
I would like an answer too!
More than 2 years ago, I took a stand in trying to improve my health in any ways I can. Since then, I...
1. Started exercising regularly
2. Started learning how to eat more healthily
3. Started trying and taking supplements
4. Go for health checks
But I still keep falling down on my health and it feels so darn hard when I need to restart everything again. It feels like a never ending cycle :(
Someone gave some advice to me on how to live in harmony with people around you (Be it your spouse pr parents or anyone dear to you). Here are some pointers
1. To accept that nobody is perfect
2. To accept each of our weaknesses and focus on each other's strengths
3. To have no expectations but more of a mutual understanding
4. To accept one as a whole and not pin point on what is wrong (means even if you dislike a certain type of habit or attitude but he or she comes with it, you got to fully accept it whole heartedly)
All I can say is...this person must be living in an almosy perfect life. If each and every person in this world is like this person, there would certainly be no arguments, no war...but just love.
Is it possible? I hardly think so. I feel that it is more of a "click" of personalities (with some little effort) that brings harmony between two people. It is very hard to accept another person's habit/character that you just cannot make yourself accept it.
What do you think?
I started my fitness journey on May 2015. It was a roller coaster since then. However, I have gained these few habits in my life now...
1) Fitness is part of my life...can't seem to live without exercising for long
2) Learned how to eat healthier
3) Looking at my body in the mirror (errrr....not such a positive habit...hehehe)
However, I have not been able to be consistent on my exercises and also grew weaker after a few months of being too busy or falling sick (again).
So I must remind myself this
What I need to do now is to get my ass up and start my exercise regime back again. Planning to learn some yoga by a professional while I continue to do my walks or run on my treadmill.
Wish me luck!
I have come to a conclusion about myself (or rather from people around me).
People seems to indicate this to me
Feels like all these while the problem has always been me. So now I feel like this...
But I have no idea how to do it because everytime I try to change my mindset, it backfires on me. But if I do not change, I feel that I will be pushing more and more people away especially to my love ones. Ohhh, why am I ME? I guess the phrase "Just be Yourself" is just not for me.
I have never been good at handling with squabbles even if it
does not involves me directly. I recall these few situations very clearly:-
When I was just in primary school, my god-father
came home drunk and picked some verbal fights with my god-siblings. I ran into
the room and cried and kept telling one of my god-sister to get my god-father
to stop quarrelling
When I was in early secondary school, my dad and
brother had an argument at the dining table. I could not stand it and went into
my room and cried.
It seems like the situation hasn’t change much (I just
noticed this connection). I just could not stand my kids arguing/squabbling
with each other. It makes my whole body so uncomfortable. Feels like I cannot
breathe. Feels like my heart is not mine. Feels like my head is going to blow.
I feel like going into my room and cry.