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For the past week, I have heard this same comment from different individuals. "All girls are like that"

Well, the topic was centered on shopping. People think that all girls love shopping and making themselves pretty with make-up and accessories (not only guys thinks so but the girls too!). Believe it or not, but I know some girls (woman mostly..haha) does not really like to shop or spend time beautifying themselves. Either they are lying to me or it is really true.

I guess I am like the majority of girls. I always say to AK "If I was single and have no financial commitments, I think I will spend most of my salary on clothes, shoes, handbags, facial products,...etc". His reply was "If I was single, I would be spending on my dream car, hi-fi system, gadgets,..etc". Wow..his total expenditure can cover my whole lifetime supply of clothes and shoes and handbags and............hahahaha.
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6 Responses
  1. some guys also love to shop.. those metrosexual men :p

    but guys also likes to spend money.. depends on their interest.. just that what they buy differs from us, girls

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Well..if all girl are alike in that way then I declare myself a non-girl ;)

    Too practical to spend all that money on shoes and bags etc. However I am willing to pay for comfort.

    -Your ever practical Sis.

  3. Elyssa Says:


    Agree with you on men also likes to spend money but on other things :P

  4. Elyssa Says:


    You know what? I was thinking of you when I wrote the part on I know some girls who don't..hehe. But come to think of it, if you had the money that you can spend, you would like shopping la. Admit it...especially on handbags :P

  5. NPP, I thought you had ME on your mind when you wrote "you know some girls (woman mostly..haha) does not really like to shop or spend time beautifying themselves"... ;D

    Well, even if I have the money... I don't think so too!

  6. Elyssa Says: wor. I did not think of you. But you have a higher chances on it than my sis..hehe.

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