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Elyssa has been a very long time since I have posted anything in my blog. Too many things have happened since I last wrote that I do not know where to start. My last blog was in November 2010, almost a year ago. Since then, I was a newly wed bride just a month before (have not shared photos on this), I got pregnant, and now am a proud mother of a baby boy! Since so much has happened in the past year, I will just emphasize on the biggest challenge I had in this post...on my pregnancy journey.

I still remember so clearly the very first time I found out I was pregnant. Both my husband and I were esthetic about it. But all the joy in me faded away just about two weeks after that. I started getting terrible nausea (vomiting became a common thing) and the worse was I started feeling that my legs were not my legs at all. The feeling is as though I have "Restless Leg Syndrome". No doctors or gynaecologists could explain what was wrong. As time goes by, it got worst, to the fact that I could not sleep (day and night). Eventually, I was not able to think straight at all and began regretting that I got pregnant. It got so severe that killing my unborn child and myself were in my thoughts.

After about a month of battling my "sickness" and going through examinations by a few doctors (total about 6-7 doctors), I finally manage to get some professional help that got me through my dark moment. Many doctors did not know what to do with me and many did not dare to give me medications for my condition because I was pregnant. But with the help of my family and my husband, I finally got the RIGHT doctor. I was diagnosed with anxiety attack and depression that was triggered by my pregnancy. Truthfully, till now, I do not know the main reason of this but I think I can conclude that it was due to my unpreparedness for the pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester and hormonal changes.

It took me a few weeks to stabilize (in mind) and about two months to have my first trimester's symptoms decrease. It felt like I went through a mighty thunderstorm that lasted for the very longest time, but I survived it with the help of my doctor and also the tender loving care I had from my husband and my family members.

As of yesterday, I am finally free from all medications and have started enjoying my time with my 2 months plus baby. Seeing him smile at me is one of the most joyous thing that ever happened in my life. People asked me whether it was all worth it based on the fact that I had such a hard time during my pregnancy. Truthfully, I am not sure how to answer them as I really do not know how to feel about it. All I know now is how happy I am each time I think about my baby and how I miss him when he is not around.

The next BIG question will be, when will I have a second baby? Errrr....ehemmm...not at this moment.
4 Responses
  1. Carrie Tai Says:


    Going through all the tough time was not easy i know. You are strong enough i guess to overcome all the problems.

    Mother is always GREAT!

  2. Elyssa Says:

    Many many thanks :)
    Most importantly, now I am up and about again and a very proud and happy new mother! :)

  3. Jaded Jeremy Says:

    I'm soooooo happy you made it through. I'm proud of you.

  4. Elyssa Says:

    Thanks Jeremy. I am proud of myself too :) But without the help of the TLC from my family and husband, it would have been even more difficult for me to get out of it. I am thankful for all they have done for me :)

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