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I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ( about three weeks ago by an Orthopedic Surgeon. His thoughts were that it was caused by my pregnancy (inflammation, water retention & weight increment). Anyway, this is not what I wanted to talk about.

Due to the above, I have to go on physiotherapy sessions and wear a wrist guard for a month before my next check-up. So for precaution, my sister introduced me this programme to be installed in my computer. It will give me reminders to “rest” after a certain period of time typing. The below pictures show three of the few types of reminders by this programme.

And, my favourite one is....

My question is….can I use this to ‘curi tulang’ (stealing time-off) during office hours? MUAHAHAHAHA
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3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'd say...... YES!!!! any excuse to curi tulang, you know I'm up for it. *wink*

  2. Elyssa Says:

    Hahaha...going for physio sessions are already considered a bit like "curi tulang" :P. A break from work is always nice :)

  3. Jaded Jeremy Says:

    The first two are no problem at work lah. As the for the third one, need to set realistic limit.

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